CWS Cleanrooms Group
Your cleanroom

As the first full-service provider in the cleanroom market we offer a comprehensive range of contamination control and innovative services, tailored to your specific cleanroom requirements. Get textile, training, cleaning and consumable solutions from a single source!
Textile solutions
We prepare your cleanroom textiles to the highest standards to ensure that stocks of cleanroom garments are available in sufficient quantities and sizes, at the right time and in the right place.Passion for Textiles
Where the highest requirements for cleanrooms exist, CWS Cleanrooms is your reliable partner. We can help you create a custom garment system that protects your product and production environment from particulate and microbiological contamination while ensuring efficient working procedures. CWS Textile Solutions

Onsite solutions
The best performance now available on-site.We take care of the cleanroom area on your premises: from logistics to equipping the airlock – so that everything in your production works in perfect harmony. CWS Onsite Solutions

Cleaning solutions
Cleanroom Cleaning & DisinfectionWith the most professional cleanroom equipment and specially trained employees, Profi-con, a company of the CWS Group, ensures the highest level of cleanliness in your cleanroom.
Passion for Cleaning
We offer cleaning and disinfection in all cleanliness classes of sterile and dust-free production, so that your cleanroom processes can run safely at all times (cleanliness classes A – D according to EU GMP guidelines, classes 1 – 9 according to DIN EN ISO 14644). CWS Cleaning Solutions

Knowledge Transfer solutions
Cleanroom TrainingWith expertise from over 30 years of cleanroom experience, we teach proper behaviour in and around the cleanroom. Our Cleanroom Academy offers you a wide range of in-house training, coaching, day training and online seminars from a comprehensive portfolio of training services.
Passion for Training
Employees are the decisive factor in the hygienic status of cleanrooms – and the most frequent cause of contamination errors. That’s why our Cleanroom Academy specialises in in-house training, coaching sessions, one-day training and online seminars to teach employees everything they need to know and reliably master for proper conduct in and around the cleanroom. CWS Knowledge Transfer Solutions