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STAXS® Facility Expansion Update

STAXS® A big step. Without leaving a footprint!

The first phase of the expansion of our facility in Heerenveen is coming to an end, the last finishes are being done now.  
We are growing and we firmly believe we need to do so in a sustainable way. Our growth should never come at the cost of our planet and future generations.
At STAXS®, sustainability and societal impact are at the center of what we do. Through STAXS® Pink Planet, we are putting the planet and people first and have committed ourselves to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals. We work closely with our suppliers to minimise our carbon footprint and make sure our organisation is diverse and inclusive and provides equal and ample opportunities for our employees to grow and develop themselves within our company. 
As the saying goes: practice what you preach. How did we do that?
•    We have doubled the size our facility
•    We have doubled the number of loading docks.
•    We have tripled the pallet space

At the same time we have reduced our carbon footprint. How? 
•    The new building is heated by heatpumps right from the start
•    We have upgraded the existing facility to be heated by heatpumps as well
•    All of this is powered by fossil free (green) electricity 
Our expanded facility is being loaded as we speak and we’re excited to have everything in place to grow our company in the most sustainable way possible. We’re ready for the future. It’s bright and it’s pink. Let’s make a difference together.
Click the image below and have a look.
